
March 31, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia – March 14th, 2023 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO) (OTC: RYOOF),) is pleased to provide an update of its activities at both the Niñobamba Au-Ag property (“Niñobamba”) and its 50% owned Palta Dorada Au-Ag-Cu property (“Palta Dorada”).

The 100% owned Niñobamba project covers an area of 4300 hectares and is royalty free. The project is comprised of two mineralized areas: The Niñobamba Area and the Jorimina Zone. Two different communities control the surface rights in the project areas. The Company has conducted numerous meetings with community directors and is confident that a surface access agreement to facilitate a first phase diamond drilling program at the Jorimina Zone will be concluded soon. Rio Silver has also been in discussions with the community controlling the surface rights on the Niñobamba Area. Although more social and community engagement is required, a positive outcome is expected.

The Jorimina Zone is located approximately 6.5 kilometers west of the main zone of mineralization at Niñobamba. The Company acquired an extensive database from Newmont Mining Corp. (“Newmont”) which includes diamond drill logs and assays, surface samples, geophysical data, and metallurgical testing. Approximately $10 million US has been spent on historical exploration programs since 2002 on the entire project area from Anglogold and Newmont. The Company is pleased to have secured all the data from these extensive programs.

From 2009 to 2010, Newmont Mining Corp. completed thirteen diamond drill holes totaling 4377 metres at Jorimina. As a highlight from the historic reports available, the best intercept from the 13 holes, showed drill-hole JOR-001 returning 72.3 metres of 1.19 g/t Au starting at 53-meter depth. The true widths of mineralization from this drillhole are not yet known. Further drilling is required to determine both the lateral and vertical extent of the mineralization.

Historical diamond drilling results conducted by AngloGold in 2002 on the main Niñobamba Area zone included DDH-2, which reported assay results of 87 g/t silver over a drilled interval of 130 metres starting from a depth of nine metres, and DDH-4, reporting 54 g/t silver over a drilled interval of 96 metres starting from 23 metres. The true widths of mineralization from this drill hole are not yet known and will be determined in the upcoming planned drill program.

Highlights from the trenching program conducted by Rio Silver in 2012 at the Niñobamba North Zone where the Company discovered a new gold-silver zone include 56 metres of 1.03 g/t Au and 98.9 g/t Ag in trench TR-01 and 21.77 metres of 1.32 g/t Au and 102.46 g/t Ag in TR-04 ending in mineralization (see Rio Silver News Release of January 14, 2013). These results show that the Niñobamba property possesses a strong gold component. Further exploration is required to determine the precious metal zonation, alteration patterns and widths. The trenches were cut approximately perpendicular to the mineralized structure, and the true width of mineralization is yet to be determined.

The Company is also pleased to announce that at it’s joint venture mining project operator, Peruvian Metals Corp., has commenced stockpiling gold-silver-copper rich material taken from Palta Dorada’s main workings. The Palta Dorada property, is owned equally with Peruvian Metals and is located in Ancash Department, Northern Peru. Sulphide mineralized material will be shipped to Peruvian’s Aguila Norte Processing Plant, located 145 kilometres from the Palta Dorada project site on a combination of gravel and paved roads.

Three random grab samples were recently taken by JV partner Peruvian Metals from the mineral stockpiles and assayed. The average grade of the samples was 7.55 g/t Au, 6.07 ounces /t Ag and 0.70% Cu. Two samples were also taken from the sulphide bearing quartz vein in the main adit where the material is currently being extracted. Assay results over a 1 metre width averaged 14.07 g/t Au, 9.01 ounces/t Ag and 2.01% Cu. In addition, two samples were taken from the oxide zone above the main workings and averaged 12.5 g/t Au, 7.89 ounces/t Ag and 0.20% Cu.

The Company is continuing to open the workings at Palta Dorada to access the sulphide Cu-Au-Ag material for the collection of a bulk sample and plans to ship sulphide material to the Aguila Norte Plant once it is determined that sufficient mineral has been accumulated to create a high-quality concentrate. Rio Silver expects to process this material during the second quarter of 2023. Any accumulated oxide gold material extracted will be sold to third party mills designed to treat the oxide material.

Rio Silver’s President, Chris Verrico states “We are extremely pleased with the progress towards achieving access agreements for both the Jorimina and Main Niñobamba zones. It is likely the Company will conclude an agreement for Jorimina first as those discussions are well advanced in anticipation of a Q3 resource defining diamond drilling campaign built around the success that Newmont had achieved prior to 2012 on the project”.


About Rio Silver Inc.

Rio Silver is a resource company that has been selectively identifying and acquiring precious metal assets that afford the best possible leverage and returns in anticipation of an increasingly more favorable precious metals bull market. Our Ninobamba area Au/Ag/Cu targets are suggestive of near surface, bulk mineable open pit targets. At the Company’s Palta Dorada Property in central Peru, a high-grade mesothermal gold and silver vein system is currently being bulk-sampled and processed by 50% partner, Peruvian Metals Corp.(“Peruvian”). Recent access improvements to the upper workings have been installed allowing access for an underground bulk sampling campaign, now underway, within the previously sampled sulfide mineralization. Peruvian operates the nearby Aguila Norte commercial mill where the extracted mineral from the bulk sampling campaign will be processed. Bulk sampling may be ramped up if successful and could become a cashflow to assist the Company’s overall exploration plans in a non-dilutive, shareholder friendly way. We remain ever impressed and optimistic by the resilience and ingenuity of our host country as Peru continues to endorse supportive mining policies ensuring continued growth and opportunity throughout Peru.

Jeffrey Reeder, P.Geo., a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, has supervised the preparation, and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.




For further information,
Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

January 22, 2022

Vancouver, British Columbia – January 11, 2022 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO) (OTC: RYOOF), is pleased to provide an update on its plans to commence a first phase of diamond drilling at the 100% owned flagship property, the Niñobamba Silver-Gold Project (“Niñobamba or “The Property”), in south central Peru.

Niñobamba comprises seven concessions totaling 4017 hectares. The area has excellent infrastructure and is located 45 kilometres southwest of Ayacucho. The Property is accessible by several gravel roads off the main highway accessing its northern boundary. The Property is free of any third-party royalties and has had over $10 million US spent on exploration by the Company and previous operators. The database for the Niñobamba project includes over 6500 surface and drill assay results from previous operators.

The precious metal mineralization is associated with a high-sulphidation epithermal system. These types of systems are a principal exploration target of major companies exploring for gold in the South American Andes. More specifically, precious metal mineralization at Barrick’s Pierina and Laguna Norte gold mines, and Newmont’s Yanacocha are all associated with high-sulphidation systems.

Exploration by previous operators from 2002 through to 2009 includes assay results and drill logs for 9743 meters of diamond drilling. Two discreet zones of precious metal mineralization were identified from this previous work: Main Niñobamba Zone (“Main Zone”) and the Jorimina Zone. Highlights from previous drill programs on the Main Zone by Anglogold included 130 meters of 2.8 oz Ag per ton Ag. in drill hole AN-2 and 7.5 kilometers to the west at the Jorimina zone Newmont had drilled 72 meters of 1.19 grams Au per tonne in dill hole JM-1. Rio Silver then completed an extensive surface trenching program on the Main Zone silver mineralization in 2012. The trenching program resulted in identifying significant gold potential not recognized by the previous operators. The first trench of the program conducted by Rio Silver was placed in the area where Anglogold drilled an intercept of 130 metres of 2.8 oz/t Ag (ounces silver per ton). The trench exposed extensive high-sulphidation alteration returning an impressive 56 metres averaging 1.03 g/t Au (grams gold per tonne) and 98.9 g/t Ag. Further trenching 400 metres southwest and along strike continued to expose typical vuggy silica, high-sulphidation-type alteration with the last 21 metres returning 1.32 g/t gold and 102 g/t silver. The extent of the mineralization continues under deep colluvium. The last sample in the trench returned 0.53 g/t gold and 82 g/t silver.

In early 2020 The Company engaged Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd to complete a conceptual exploration target using Leapfrog software. The result of this work is summarized in the Company’s news release of February 27, 2020. The following table is the summary of the conceptual exploration[1] target range for the Niñobamba Main Zone and is presented in the following table:

Cutoff Grade Tonnes Silver Grade Silver Grade Silver Ounces
g/t MT Average g/t Average opt Million oz
Lower Target 50 7.9 90 2.88 22.9
Higher Target 50 11.1 86 2.78 30.9


On December 18th, 2021, the Company attended a local Community Assembly and presented plans for diamond drilling and detailed surface mapping and sampling, including exploratory pits at the Niñobamba Main Zone. The Company was well received, at the first of such gatherings allowing surrounding community members to attend this meeting, the first since the start of the Covid pandemic. Along with representatives from D&M Ingenieros Consultores (“D&M”), a Lima Peru based engineering group providing the environmental professionals for the recently produced environmental baseline compilation, the Company presented the environmental monitoring work completed to date which included measures to protect the nearby water supply canal. The interaction with the community members resulted in the presentation of some items of key concern, all of which will be addressed this month during a field program conducted by D&M. The Company has been invited to return later in February 2022 to present the updated base line environmental review along with a detailed work plan proposal.

Pending a successful outcome for which the Company is confident, the necessary submission for approval by the General Directorate of Mining Environmental Affairs of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Peru will be expedited.

Chris Verrico the CEO of Rio Silver comments; “I am very happy to have the professionally led crews from D&M finalizing the environmental base line studies for this all-important round of permitting, a milestone which should allow us to proceed to our first drill program at Niñobamba. I am also pleased with the progress our Community Liaison team has made. This work plan has been long anticipated, a decade in the making and is a major step towards putting Niñobamba’s precious metal potential amongst its peers within this prolific geological trend that hosts some of the most successful and lowest cost gold and silver producers worldwide”.

Mr. Reeder, PGeo, a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.”

About Rio Silver Inc.

Rio Silver is a resource company that has been selectively identifying and acquiring precious metal assets that afford the best possible leverage and returns in anticipation of an increasingly more favorable precious metals bull market. At the Company’s recently acquired Palta Dorada Property in central Peru, a high-grade mesothermal gold and silver vein system is currently being bulk-sampled and processed by earn-in partner, Peruvian Metals Corp.(“Peruvian”) The Company’s partner has earned a 50% interest by installing and then expanding (due to Covid protocol) a 20-man camp and support complex and then developing 150 meters of access tunnel now estimated to be within 20 meters of the targeted sulfide mineralization.  Peruvian operates the nearby Aguila Norte commercial mill where the extracted mineral from the bulk sampling campaign will be processed. Bulk sampling may be ramped up if successful and could become a cashflow to assist the Company’s overall exploration plans in a non-dilutive, shareholder friendly way.

We remain respectful and mindful of the current hardships being confronted by our hosts in Peru due to the current pandemic. We remain ever impressed and optimistic by the resilience and ingenuity of our host country as Peru continues to develop supportive mining policies to ensure continued growth and opportunity throughout Peru.


For further information,
Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be consdered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.


[1] The Company cautions that the Niñobamba model is not a resource declaration. The potential tonnages and grades are conceptual in nature and are based on previous trench samples and drill results that defined the approximate length, thickness, depth and grade of a portion of the north and south mineralized zones at Niñobamba. There has been insufficient exploration to define a current resource and the Company cautions that there is, among other uncertainties, a risk that further exploration may not result in the delineation of a current mineral resource or one that resembles the conceptual model.


September 27, 2021

Vancouver, British Columbia – September 27, 2021 – Rio Silver. (TSXV:RYO) (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update regarding the exploration and development of the Palta Dorada Au-Ag-Cu project in Northern Peru. The Company equally owns the project with Peruvian Metals Corp. (“Peruvian”) whereby by Peruvian completed it’s earn-in requirement by investing USD $250,000 into the project. Recent sampling from the main structure returned very good results including one sample of 1090 g/t Au and 643 g/t over 0.40 metres.

Current development is focused on the “Main Structure” now called the “The San Juan Vein” exposed both in underground workings and outcrops over an 800-metre strike length.  High grade mineralization occurs in quartz veins hosted in granodioritic rocks. The initial work consists of the development of the main access tunnel located 876 metres above sea level. This main access drift (“876 m level”) is currently at 70 metres and in oxides and is projected to be in the higher-grade sulphide material soon. Mineralized oxide material extracted from the tunnel is being stockpiled for future sale. Samples taken from the stockpiles averaged 5.05 g/t Au and 60.33 g/t Ag.

Artisanal workings expose portions of the San Juan vein including a 53-metre deep shaft where seven chip samples were taken at various depths from a quartz vein containing sulphides. Previously reported assay results from these samples range from 3.06 g/t Au to 24.1 g/t Au, 36 g/t Ag to 865 g/t Ag and 0.31% Cu to 4.94% Cu over an average width of 0.60 meters. The weighted average of the assay results is 10.51 g/t Au, 329 g/t Ag and 1.74% Cu.

Four recent samples taken from quartz veins in the oxide zone above and near the shaft returned values between 11.20 and 1090 g/t Au and 21 and 642 g/t Ag averaging a width of 0.43 metres. Sample PD-09 which assayed 1090 g/t Au or 35.68 oz/t Au and 20.35 oz/t Ag is noted to have coarse gold. Samples were taken between the 930 to 935 m levels.

Two samples taken from the San Juan vein (931 m level) located between the main access tunnel and the shaft averaged 11.25 g/t Au and 3.01 oz/t Ag.  Approximately 90 metres of advancement on the main access level is required to reach the downdip projection of these veins.

Sample results from the recent sampling and previous are noted in the table below:

Assays Results:

Sample #          g/t Au   g/t Ag               Description                                                          Level

PD-04               29.41    137                   oxide qtz vein 0.2 m outcrop                              933 m

PD-05               0.99       5.3                   wall rock to PD-04 – oxide breccia                    933 m

PD-08               11.20    163                   oxide qtz vein 0.6 m outcrop                              922 m

PD-09               1090     643                   oxide qtz vein 0.4 m taken in shaft                    922 m

PD-10               11.84    21.1                  oxide qtz vein 0.5 m taken in workings             922 m

V-1                    16.7      63.4                  oxide qtz vein – brxx                                             931 m

V-2                    6.14      123                   oxide qtz vein – workings                                    928 m

144085*            55.3      645                  oxide qtz vein 0.4 m taken in shaft                    927 m

144086*            0.87      35.1                 wall rock to PD-05 – oxide breccia                    927 m

*Samples taken in 2018 by the Company’s geologist

The Company continues to advance the underground development towards obtaining a bulk sample of the high-grade Au-Ag-Cu material. The main drift is expected to intersect sulphide mineral soon. The extracted mineral from the property will be processed at the Company’s 80% owned fully permitted Aguila Norte processing plant located in Northern Peru. The oxide gold material extracted from the workings will be sold to a CIL/CIP plant once sufficient material has been accumulated.

Chris Verrico, Chief Executive Officer of Rio Silver commented: “We are pleased with the underground development at Palta Dorada. These high-grade values bode well for the potential we see at the project. Oxide gold material is currently being extracted and being stockpiled for sale. We expect to be in sulphides soon and will be shipping our first bulk material for processing at Peruvian’s nearby Aguila Norte Plant”.

Jeffrey Reeder, P Geo, a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, has prepared, supervised the preparation, or approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.

About Rio Silver Inc.

Rio Silver Inc. is a Canadian Exploration and Mine Development company. Our business is to develop the 100% owned Ninobamba project and to unlock the underlying potential for shareholder value identified from the previous $10 million spent by Newmont and others at both, Ninobamba Main and  Jorimina Zone’s. The Company’s recently commissioned & independently constructed ‘exploration potential” model for Ninobamba Main has identified exciting development potential. Benefits are anticipated to materialize from the carried development of the new Palta Dorada Au Ag project, focusing on a near term revenue stream. For more information, please visit:

For more information contact:

Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.

December 16, 2020

Vancouver, British Columbia
– Dec 16, 2020 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO) is pleased to announce the initiation of plans for diamond drilling at its 100% owned flagship holding, Niñobamba Silver-Gold Project, in the second half 2021 and provides an overview of the baseline and permitting activities underway.

D&M Ingenieros Consultores (D&M) has been contracted by the Company to undertake environmental baseline monitoring and to prepare and manage the necessary submittals for approval by the General Directorate of Mining Environmental Affairs of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Peru.

The Company will pursue the DIA Category #1 approval for Medium and Large Mining Operations. This will also include professional archaeological investigations, community workshops and necessary liaison activities, currently underway employing dedicated personnel with successful experience in the local region. D&M will also monitor and report on achieved milestones with Citizen Participation in the Mining Subsector, corresponding with the local ministries and stakeholders together with the Company to ensure a successful path to initiate a multifaceted, resource defining, exploration campaign in 2021.

“I am very pleased to have professionally led crews mobilized at Niñobamba to update and build on much of the environmental baseline work recorded historically by the Company, Newmont, Anglogold and others,” said Chris Verrico, CEO. “I am also pleased with the progress our Community Liaison team has made, now joined by the 6 specialists from D&M, towards permitting the planned initial drill program and beyond. This work plan has been long anticipated and a major step towards putting Niñobamba’s geological status amongst its peers within this prolific trend that hosts some of the most successful and lowest cost gold and silver producers worldwide” he added.

About D&M Ingenieros Consultores

D&M is an engineering firm located in Lima, Peru providing professional and analytical support for all aspects of the mineral extraction industry throughout Peru with a diverse team of professionals and a history of accomplishment undertaking challenging industrial development in sensitive environments.

About Niñobamba

The Company’s flagship, 100% owned Niñobamba Project, hosts 2 discreet precious metal targets at opposite ends of a 6.5 km prospective corridor in a prolific, precious metals hosting geological belt in central Peru. The Company has modelled 2 world class resource targets where previously the Company, Newmont Mining and others have spent upwards of US$10 million evaluating this mineralized trend. The silver-rich Niñobamba “Main Zone and South Zones” are drill ready and the Company’s geologists have targeted the near surface, silver and gold mineralization as a potential open pit. At the other end of this trend is the Jorimina Gold Zone that was the primary focus of the Newmont exploration programs.

About Rio Silver Inc.

Rio Silver has been a selective incubator, accumulating precious metal assets that afford only the best possible leverage and returns in anticipation of the current and increasingly more favorable precious metals bull market. At the Company’s recently acquired Palta Dorada Property in central Peru, a high grade mesothermal gold and silver vein system is currently being bulk sampled and processed by earn-in partner, Peruvian Metals Corp., who is earning a 50% interest by expending a total of US$250,000 at the property. Peruvian Metals operates the nearby Aguila Norte commercial mill where the bulk samples will be processed. Bulk mining may be ramped up if successful and could become a cashflow to backstop the Company’s overall exploration plans in a non-dilutive, shareholder friendly way. Plans for citing a dedicated processing facility at the Palta Dorada site, being only 45 kilometers of easy access from the Pan American Highway, will be investigated and could potentially be funded from cashflow.

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We remain respectful and mindful of the current hardships being endured by our hosts in Peru as a result of this current pandemic. We remain impressed by the resilience and ingenuity of our host country as Peru continues to develop supportive mining policies to ensure continued growth and opportunity throughout Peru.

For further information,

Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws

July 6, 2020

Vancouver, British Columbia – July 6, 2020 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO)  is pleased to announce that the Company has been notified by its partner, Peruvian Metals Corp. (“Peruvian Metals”), that Peruvian Metals plans to initiate an exploration and bulk sampling program on the high grade Au-Ag-Cu Palta Dorada project (“Palta Dorada” or the “Property”) early in the third quarter. The Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Peruvian Metals in early January 2020 (see The Company’s news release January 9th) to jointly explore the Property by conducting a detailed sampling and mapping program along with a bulk sampling campaign. Under the MOU, Peruvian Metals is required to provide the upfront capital to start the program and has also informed Rio Silver that permits have been approved to extend underground workings at the main exploration target on the property. Extracted mineralized material from the underground exploration will form the bulk sampling program.

The Property, located in the Ancash Mining Department in Northern Peru, covers an area of approximately 1200 hectares. Precious metal mineralization at Palta Dorada consists of several high-grade Au-Ag-Cu structures hosted in granitic rocks. The gold-silver mineralization and exploration model is considered to be “Intrusion-Related Gold Vein System” similar to gold systems in Peru’s gold rich Pataz Mining Region, Nasca-Ocona Gold Belt and gold systems within the Tintina Gold Belt of Alaska.

Initial work at Palta Dorada identified and sampled four structures. The “Main Structure” that trends ENE-WSW consists of a quartz vein exposed both in outcrop and in two small underground adits and shafts. The Main Structure exposure is observed to have a strike length of over 800 metres and is open along strike in both directions. Artisinal workings expose portions of the Main Structure including a 53-metre-deep shaft where seven chip samples were taken at various depths from quartz vein containing sulphides. Results from these samples range from 3.06 g/t Au to 24.1 g/t Au, 36 g/t Ag to 865 g/t Ag and 0.31% Cu to 4.94% Cu over an average width of 0.60 meters. The weighted average of these samples from the quartz-sulphide vein is 10.51 g/t Au, 329 g/t Ag and 1.74% Cu.

A second mineralized structure, the “North 1 Structure” or “N1S” is observed north of the Main Structure  and trends WNW-ESE. The intersection of these structures represents a good exploration target. Twelve samples were taken from very small workings over a strike length of approximately 480 meters. All samples were strongly oxidized and returned from 1.40 g/t Au to 17.3 g/t Au, 10.8 g/t Ag to 456 g/t Ag and 0.02% Cu to 0.14% Cu over widths of 0.20 to 0.80 meters. The weighted average of these samples from the oxidized quartz vein is 7.92 g/t Au and 102 g/t Ag. A bottle-roll metallurgical sample with a head grade of 13.0 g/t Au and 102 g/t Ag returned 92.15-per-cent gold and 65-per-cent silver recoveries over 36 hours. Two other gold bearing structures, the “South 1 Structure” or “S1S” and the “South 2 Structure” or “S2S”, were identified approximately 1500 meters south of the artisanal workings on the Main Structure. Limited sampling was conducted in this area however one sample was taken from a mineral sack ready for shipment to a toll mill and contained oxidized quartz material that returned 14 g/t Au and 74.4 g/t Ag.

Peruvian Metals plans to start a property wide sampling and mapping program followed up by a detailed magnetic survey. The exploration will also consist of continuing the underground sampling and mapping on the Main Structure by extending the underground workings both laterally and vertically. Permits have been submitted and approved to conduct underground work which will also result in bulk sampling of the mineralized material. The underground work will greatly aid in the understanding of the mineralized structures and can be followed by underground drilling. The COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the government at this time do not yet allow the Company to commence underground work. It is expected work will begin in the next phase of reopening of the Peruvian Economy.

Metallurgical work performed by Procesmin Ingenieros Laboratories from a composite sample from mineral ready for shipment by the previous owner had a head grade of 23.2 g/t Au, 29.0 oz/t Ag and 4.95% Cu. Metallurgical work showed that two concentrates can be produced. The first and more valuable concentrate graded 125.6 g/t Au, 4,808 g/t Ag and 24.41% Cu. A second Au-pyrite concentrate was also produced and  graded 11.5 g/t Au, 565 g/t Ag and 2.90% Cu.  Sales from metal concentrates produced from the bulk sampling activity will be shared between the Companies less all operational expenses related to the bulk sampling. Peruvian Metals’ 80% owned Aguila Norte Processing Plant will charge the joint effort commercial mineral processing rates on a similar basis to its other clients for processing the bulk samples. The Plant is accessible from the property by approximately 180 kilometres of mainly paved roadway.

Peruvian Metals will act as the operator of the joint effort and is responsible for the permits necessary to explore the property and to extract bulk samples. Chris Verrico the CEO of Rio Silver states, “Having recently purchased this tremendous asset and with the recent strength in gold prices, we remain excited to see Palta Dorada’s non-dilutive advancement underway with a seasoned in-country operator motivated to perform. Any returns from the bulk sampling campaign from processing this high-grade vein rock at Peruvian’s nearby custom milling plant, will bring mutual benefit to both groups and help to advance our 100% owned Ninobamba project in Southern Peru.  Ninobamba is a world class medium/high sulfidation epithermal gold/silver deposit where $US 9 million in previous exploration and feasibility work has been completed and one that rivals the potential of any similarly endowed deposit being forwarded in Peru, to our knowledge”.

Jeffrey Reeder, P Geo, a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, has prepared, supervised the preparation, or approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release. Ambien from helps me maintain healthy levels of sleeping. I’m still alive only due to zolpidem. The only trouble with it is the need to check my sleep level at least once or twice a year. Still, this is an adequate price for staying alive.

About Rio Silver

Rio Silver Inc. is a Canadian Exploration and Mine Development company. Our business is to develop our 100% owned Ninobamba project and to unlock the tremendous potential for shareholder value identified from the previous $10 million spent by Newmont at the Jorimina Zone and others. Our own recently commissioned & independently constructed ‘exploration potential” model for Ninobamba Main has identified more world class development potential. Benefits are also soon to materialize from the carried development of the our new Palta Dorada Au Ag project, focusing on a near term revenue stream. For more information, please visit:

For more information contact:

Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.

March 3, 2020

Vancouver, British Columbia – February 27, 2020 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO) discloses a Conceptual Exploration Target for the Company’s Niñobamba Silver Project (“the Niñobamba Model”), located approximately 330 km southeast of Lima, Peru.

The Niñobamba Model was prepared on behalf of the Company by Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. of Edmonton, Alberta in preparation for the planning of future exploration of the property.

Chris Verrico, President and CEO of Rio Silver comments, “We are very pleased to receive this third-party model, which examined the easterly portion of the approximately 8,000 m long trend of anomalous precious metal mineralization between the Jorimina Au-Ag showing in the west and Niñobamba Ag showing in the east.”

Niñobamba Silver Project

The Niñobamba Model was completed on the basis that it would provide further understanding of the project’s ‘Exploration Potential’ and therefore help guide future exploration. The model focused on the “Niñobamba Main Zone” which can be broken down into two subparallel zones (a North and a South zone).

Following a thorough review of historical surface mapping, sampling, trenching and drilling, data utilized in the completion of the model included core from 18 drill holes (out of 44 total) and channel samples from 20 surface trenches. The model incorporated major rock units recorded on the project and the fault structures that constrain the mineralization. Geological trends and variability sensitives were defined using historical sampling and were used to support the Conceptual Exploration Target. Preliminary geostatistical evaluations were used in the generation of the Conceptual Exploration Target.

Historic exploration has shown the Niñobamba Main Zone (North) to have a minimum strike length of approximately 400 meters and apparent widths of 100 to 150 meters, and the Niñobamba Main Zone (South) to have a minimum strike length of approximately 400 meters and apparent widths of 50 to 100 meters.

A summary of the Conceptual Exploration Target for the Niñobamba Main Zone is as follows:

The Company cautions that the Niñobamba Model is not a resource declaration. The potential tonnages and grades are conceptual in nature and are based on previous trench samples and drill results that defined the approximate length, thickness, depth and grade of a portion of the North and South zones mineralized zones at Niñobamba. There has been insufficient exploration to define a current resource and the Company cautions that there is, among other uncertainties, a risk that further exploration may not result in the delineation of a current mineral resource or one that resembles the conceptual model.

Further Exploration Potential

The Niñobamba Model only assessed the silver potential of the eastern most 1,500 m of an approximately 8,000 m long trend of anomalous precious metal mineralization. As such, the Company believes the project to have significant exploration potential separate from the current conceptual model (silver), including:

  • Niñobamba Main Zone (extensions), mineralization remains open on trend to both the east and west from the Niñobamba Main Zone (North and South) and constitutes a significant exploration target. 
  • Gold: as 8 of the historic drill holes were not analyzed for gold, the gold potential of the project is not well understood, however, it is demonstrated by the most recent trenches (ex. TR-01 includes 56 m of 1.03 g/t Au and 98.9 g/t Ag).  All future core and rock samples need to be analyzed for both gold and silver.
  • Jorimina Zone: approximately 6 km west of Niñobamba, Jorimina was the subject of an in-house exploration model (see company’s website) for gold and silver (Newmont, 2011), which was based on nine drill holes totaling 4,377 m by Newmont.
  • Randypata: central to the main mineralized trend at Niñobamba, Newmont completed five drill holes at Randypata that require follow up exploration.

About the Niñobamba Model

The Niñobamba Model consisted of a desktop study of two mineralized trends (North and South) of the Niñobamba Main Zone.  The High Sulfidation Epithermal precious metal mineralization at Niñobamba has been the subject of multiple mapping, trench sampling and drilling programs, including multiple exploration programs between 2001 and 2013 by:

  • AngloGold Ashanti
  • Bear Creek Mining Corporation
  • Newmont
  • Rio Silver

This compilation includes a total of 44 drillholes and 20 trenches within the entire Niñobamba area.  Since the model focus was the Niñobamba Main Zone, it included only 18 of the drillholes and all 20 of the trenches.

Qualified Persons

Brad Ulry, P.Geo., Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd., a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation and approves the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release. Often I have a sore throat, which is difficult with a high fever. This summer it blew in the car and I immediately fell ill with a sore throat. The temperature was 39.5, it was simply impossible to swallow. I know very well that angina does not go away without antibiotics. Therefore, is in my bookmarks – there I can quickly order the necessary medicine. After surviving a stroke, I developed paresis of the left side of the body. One of klonopin I took to improve my condition was clonazepam. As I couldn’t normally move, I ordered it from They offer top-notch service and certified quality drugs. But as for me, their main benefit is fast and free delivery service.

Non-brokered Private Placement

The Company is also pleased to announce a non-brokered private placement of up to 6,000,000 units (“Units”) of the Company at $0.05 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $300,000 (the “Offering”). Each Unit will consist of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant (each, a “Warrant”) of the Company.  Each Warrant will entitle the holder to acquire one additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.10 per share for a period of 2 years from issuance, unless the closing price of the common shares of the Company is $0.20 or higher for fifteen (15) consecutive trading days any time after the date that is four months and a day after issue, in which case the Warrants will expire thirty (30) calendar days after notice to Warrant holders announcing an earlier expiry date.  It is anticipated that certain insiders of the Company will participate in the Offering.  

The Company may pay certain finders’ fees in connection with a portion of the Offering subject to the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”).  The securities issued herein will be subject to a four-month statutory hold period. The closing of the Offering is subject to the approval of the Exchange.

For more information contact:

Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the
TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forwardlooking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.

March 3, 2020

Vancouver, British Columbia – January 9, 2020 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO) announces the acquisition of the Palta Dorada Au-Ag-Cu property (“Palta Dorada” or the “Property”). The property contains several high-grade gold-silver veins both oxide and sulphide that has been mined by artisanal methods. The Company has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Peruvian Metals Corp (“Peruvian Metals”) to jointly explore the Palta Dorada Au-Ag-Cu Property (“Palta Dorada” or the “Property”) by initially conducting a detailed sampling and mapping program along with a bulk sampling campaign and processing the mineral at Peruvian Metals’ 80% owned Aguila Norte Processing Plant (“Aguila Norte or Plant”). 

The Palta Dorada Au-Ag-Cu Property is located in the Ancash Mining Department in Northern Peru and covers an area of approximately 1200 hectares. The Property is accessible from the Plant by approximately 180 kms of mainly paved roadway. The MOU establishes a joint effort to explore and develop the property. Any sales from metal concentrates produced from the bulk sampling activity and all operational expenses will be shared between companies. Peruvian Metals’ 80% owned Plant will charge the joint effort commercial mineral processing rates on a similar basis to its other clients for processing the bulk samples.

Peruvian Metals will also have the option to earn a 50% ownership in the property. Equal ownership will occur once Peruvian Metals has matched Rio Silver’s acquisition price of the project of $250,000 US by assuming all capital and exploration expenditures. Any shortfall of capital expense by Peruvian Metals will require a cash payment to the joint effort by December 31, 2021. Both companies will enter into a definitive shareholder agreement in Peru shortly.

Limited surface mapping and sampling has identified several oxide Au-Ag veins hosted in granodioritic rocks. The previous owner completed extensive production ready access to several levels for exploration and bulk sampling, as well as limited small-scale bulk sampling in several adits and shafts. The main working is a 53 metre shaft where miners hoisted mineral to the surface. Eight chip samples have been taken from quartz veins containing sulphides in the shaft at various depths. Results from these samples range from 3.06 g/t Au to 24.1 g/t Au, 36 g/t Ag to 865 g/t Ag and 0.22% Cu to 4.94% Cu over an average width of 60 centimeters. The weighted average of the quartz-sulphide vein is 9.61 g/t Au, 256 g/t Ag and 1.42% Cu over the 60 centimeters. The mineralized NEE-SWW mesothermal vein exposed in this main working has been observed over an 800 metre strike length on surface. The oxide-sulphide transition occurs at approximately 25 metres below surface.

At the initial property visit by the QP, approximately 45 tonnes of mineral had been selectively exploited; hand sorted and sacked outside of the main working ready for shipment to tolls mills in Southern Peru. Two composite samples were taken from various sacks and returned an average grade of 26.7 g/t Au, 23.76 oz/t Ag and 3.16% Cu. The samples taken were selected random grabs from hand sorted sacks and are not representative of the mineralization hosted on the property. 

A third random composite sample of approximately 50 kilograms was taken from these sacks and used for metallurgical work. The work performed on this sample by Procesmin Ingenieros Laboratories head a head grade of 23.21 grams/MT Au, 29.04 oz/MT Ag and 4.95% Cu. Metallurgical work showed that two concentrates can be produced. The first and more valuable concentrate graded 125.59 grams Au/MT, 4,808 grams Ag/MT and 24.41% Cu. A second Au-pyrite concentrate was also produced graded 11.46 grams/MT Au, 565 grams Ag/MT and 2.90% Cu. 

Artisanal workings on a second SEE-NWW structure north of the main working exposed strongly oxidized quartz veins ranging between 30 to 70 centimeters in width. Four composite samples taken from mineral sacks containing heavily oxidized material ready for shipment ranged from 8.65 g/t to 17.3 g/t averaging 12.4 g/t Au. The samples taken from the sacks were random grabs and are not representative of the mineralization hosted on the property. A bottle-roll metallurgical sample with a head grade of 13.0 g/t Au and 102 g/t Ag returned a 92.15% gold and 65% silver recoveries over 36 hours. 

Peruvian Metals will act as the operator of the joint effort and will be responsible to obtain all the permits necessary to explore and extract a bulk sample and expects no permitting issues. An experienced underground contractor has agreed to start the mobilization of the compressors and equipment to the site to extract the bulk sample. The bulk sampling and exploration is expected to commence in the first quarter of 2020. 

Chris Verrico, CEO of Rio Silver states: “We are very pleased to have accomplished these milestones, leveraging our joint resources and working together. The Palta Dorada property has several high-grade Au-Ag-Cu veins ready to be bulk sampled and processed at the Aguila Norte Plant. Oxide gold material can also be bulk sampled and treated at a number toll mills. Initial development and exploration will consist of drifting along the sulphide veins in this prominent structure, potentially identifying a minable resource which would only enhance our ability to explore our flagship Niñobamba project in a timely manner.”

Jeffrey Reeder, P Geo, a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, has prepared, supervised the preparation or approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release. Let me share my experience of working with This site is significantly different from all those with which I have dealt (and believe me, there have been a lot of them). Friendly staff, ready to advise and solve every problem at any moment. I did not think that things could be like that.

For more information contact:

Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the
TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forwardlooking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.

November 22, 2019

Vancouver, British Columbia – November 22, 2019 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”)
(TSX.V: RYO) is pleased to announce the voting results from its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the “Meeting”), held in Vancouver, British Columbia on November 15th, 2019. The total number of shares represented by shareholders present in person and by proxy at the meeting was 11.8 Million 27.63% of Rio’s issued and outstanding Common Shares.

All of the matters put forward before shareholders for consideration and approval as set out in the Company’s Management Information Circular dated 11th of October, 2019, were approved by the requisite majority of votes cast at the Meeting. The details of the voting results for the election of directors are set out below:

Nominee # Votes for % Votes for
Steven Brunelle 11,058,869 98.7
Chris Verrico 11,058,869 98.7
Edward Badida 11,207,282 100.0
Richard Mazur 11,058,869 98.7

The shareholders also approved: (i) fixing of the number of directors of the Company at four; (ii) appointing MNP LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the Company’s auditor for the ensuing year and authorizing the directors to set the auditor’s remuneration; and (iii) confirming and approving the Company’s existing stock option plan.

The Company will file a report of voting results on all resolutions voted on at the Meeting on shortly.

After becoming a victim of an attack of a criminal several years ago, I developed severe anxiety and panic attack. I tried to improve my condition by counseling, yet it didn’t give any result until I started taking ativan. I felt better the day I took the first pill. It made me calm and relaxed. I now take ativan 1 mg three times daily and feel fine.

The Company also announces that it has granted 4,050,000 incentive stock options to management, directors and consultants of the Company. The options, to purchase common shares in the capital of the Company, will be at a price of $0.05 per common share with 3,200,000 having a term of 36 months and 850,000 a term of 18 months.

For more information contact:

Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the
TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forwardlooking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws

November 7, 2019

Vancouver, British Columbia – November 7, 2019 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO)
is pleased to announce that it has closed the first tranche of its previously announced non-brokered private placement (the “Financing”) for gross proceeds of $576,000.

Upon the completion of the Financing, the Company issued 11,520,000 units (the “Units”) at a price of $0.05 per
Unit. Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant. Each
warrant is exercisable into one additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.07 per share until May 7,
2021, unless the closing price of the common shares of the Company is $0.15 or higher for fifteen (15) consecutive
trading days any time after the date that is four months and a day after issue, in which case the Warrants will expire
thirty (30) calendar days after notice to Warrantholders announcing an earlier expiry date (the “Accelerated Expiry”).
The Company paid finders’ fees of $4,000 in cash and issued 80,000 finder warrants, with each such finder warrant
entitling the holder thereof to acquire one common share of the Company at a price of $0.07 per share until May 7,
2021, subject to the Accelerated Expiry.

The Financing consisted of participation by pro-group member Shaun Chin of PI Financial, for 500,000 Units, as well
as three insiders: Christopher Verrico, CEO and a director of the Company, purchased 1,500,000 Units, Rick Mazur
purchased 900,000 Units and Steve Brunelle purchased 880,000 Units.

Proceeds from the Financing will be used to advance the Company’s Niñobamba silver and gold project in Peru by
re-gaining social license within the local district, for working capital, and to explore potential precious metal projects
in Peru that offer near term revenue potential and other working capital purposes.

The securities issued under the Financing will be subject to a statutory hold until March 7, 2020.

The Company further announces that, pursuant to the Financing, as outlined above, Rick Mazur, a director of the
Company, has acquired ownership, control and direction over 900,000 common shares of the Company,
representing 1.66% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company and an additional 900,000 share
purchase warrants. Assuming exercise of these share purchase warrants, he would have acquired ownership,
control and direction over 1,800,000 common shares, representing 3.26% of the issued and outstanding common
shares under the Financing.

Following the acquisition, Mr. Mazur has ownership, control and direction over 6,022,623 common shares,
representing 11.08% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company, and 900,000 share purchase
warrants. Assuming exercise of all of the share purchase warrants held by Mr. Mazur, he would have ownership,
control and direction over 6,922,623 common shares, representing 12.52% of the issued and outstanding common

Mr. Mazur has advised the Company that he has acquired the securities for investment purposes, and may in the
future acquire or dispose of shares as circumstances or market conditions warrants. In the future, Mr. Mazur may
acquire additional securities of the Company or dispose of such securities through the market or otherwise subject to
a number of factors, including general market and economic conditions, other investment and business opportunities
available and other circumstances.

The reason I like Valium ( is that I don’t have any unwanted reactions to
this drug, while it makes me feel calm and balanced. Although my GP warned me of its potential for abuse, I hope this
won’t become a problem for me. I still have two weeks on valium to go, so
I’ll be able to tell you about the withdrawal period a bit later.

This news release is being issued in accordance with National Instrument 62-103 – The Early Warning System and
Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues (the “Instrument”) in connection with the filing of early warning
report to be filed in connection therewith. The early warning report respecting the transaction will be filed as required
by the Instrument on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Review (“SEDAR”) under the Company’s
profile at or may be obtained by contacting Chris Verrico at (604-762-4448).

The Company also announces that it has accepted the resignation of director and past CEO, Mr. Jeffrey J. Reeder
P.Geo. from the Board of Directors. Mr. Reeder will be continuing as a non-executive consultant, to aid the Company
with the pursuit of opportunities that are uniquely attractive due to Peru’s mineral deposit rich endowment and
advanced mining-friendly culture. The Company thanks Mr. Reeder for his 5 years of service as a board member and
looks forward to continuing a prosperous relationship.

For more information contact:

Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX
Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.

November 6, 2019

Vancouver, British Columbia – November 6, 2019 – Rio Silver Inc. (“Rio Silver” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: RYO) is pleased to announce that it has retained Momentum Public Relations Inc. (“MomentumPR”) to provide public relations services to the Company.

MomentumPR, a Quebec based public relations firm, will assist the Company in increasing public awareness by managing the Company’s corporate communications and marketing activities and facilitating dialogue with the Company’s shareholders, finance professionals, analysts and media contacts.

“Momentum PR are a highly experienced Canadian public company PR firm. They have the expertise with junior mining that we’re looking for in generating awareness and creating a targeted message for Rio Silver. We’re in the early stages of tremendous potential growth at Rio and Momentum are the kind of partners we need,” said Chris Verrico, CEO.

The initial agreement with Momentum is for a term of twelve months. Last year showed the importance of having a reliable online supplier of medicines. When I started looking for a trustworthy online pharmacy, I thought this would never become a success. But, then, I came across It was one of the few officially licensed, so I ordered drugs there. I wasn’t mistaken – this pharmacy was really the best one.

About MomentumPR

MomentumPR is a cutting-edge public relations consulting agency representing companies within the Canadian investment community. Its services are tailored to meet the needs of small, microcap and medium size corporations. MomentumPR’s focus is on building and driving brand awareness, cultivating new audience interest and disseminating target market messaging on behalf of client companies and their valued shareholders. For more information, please visit:

About Rio Silver

Rio Silver Inc. is a Canadian-based resource company with a mandate to acquire, explore and develop precious metal deposits in the Americas. Rio Silver’s experienced Peruvian exploration team is instrumental in planning and conducting the work program at its 100% owned flagship property, Ninobamba in Peru. Management continues to add shareholder value through effective and efficient exploration, strategic property acquisitions and sound financial management. For more information, please visit:

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For information regarding this press release, please contact:
Christopher Verrico, President, CEO
Tel: (604) 762-4448

This news release includes forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements
within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not a guarantee of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forwardlooking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.